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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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ERISCAM - Cohort of French Families with Identified MMR Gene Mutation: Assessment of Cancer Risk

Head : Lasset Christine, Prevention and genetics epidemiology
Bonadona Valérie
Bonaiti-Pellie Catherine , Genetics epidemiology and human population structures
Olschwang Sylviane , Medical Genetics and Functional Genomics

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


ERISCAM - Cohort of French Families with Identified MMR Gene Mutation: Assessment of Cancer Risk

Head : Lasset Christine, Prevention and genetics epidemiology
Bonadona Valérie
Bonaiti-Pellie Catherine , Genetics epidemiology and human population structures
Olschwang Sylviane , Medical Genetics and Functional Genomics

Main objective

The aim is to reliably and accurately determine the risks of different tumours in subjects with MMR gene mutations.

Inclusion criteria

French families with an identified MMR gene mutation recruited throughout 40 cancer genetic consultation centres participating in the study; all members of the Cancer and Genetics Network.

- Longitudinal study of women without diabetes giving birth: a strategy for the selective detection of gestational diabetes

Head : Cosson Emmanuel, Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine d’Ile-de-France
Carbillon Lionel, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


- Longitudinal study of women without diabetes giving birth: a strategy for the selective detection of gestational diabetes

Head : Cosson Emmanuel, Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine d’Ile-de-France
Carbillon Lionel, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Main objective

The objectives are to evaluate:
1) the value of screening for risk factors for gestational diabetes
2) the prognostic value of risk factors for events related to gestational diabetes.
The study also shows changes in the prevalence of GDM risk factors

Inclusion criteria

Woman without diabetes giving birth in Hôpital Jean Verdier between January 2002 and December 2010

- Cohort of Females Receiving Single Blastocyst Transfer During In Vitro Fertilization

Head : Guerif Fabrice, UMR 0085 PRC Reproductive Physiology and Behaviour
Royer Dominique, UMR 0085 PRC Reproductive Physiology and Behaviour

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


- Cohort of Females Receiving Single Blastocyst Transfer During In Vitro Fertilization

Head : Guerif Fabrice, UMR 0085 PRC Reproductive Physiology and Behaviour
Royer Dominique, UMR 0085 PRC Reproductive Physiology and Behaviour

Main objective

This study aims to improve knowledge regarding in vitro fertilisation and to better understand the relationship between the number of implanted embryos/blastocyst transfers and birth.

Inclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria: females under 36 years of age;
First or second attempt at in vitro fertilisation;
Voluntary single transfer of blastocyst

- Case-Control Study on the Relation Between Systemic Sclerosis and Occupational Exposure

Head : Marie Isabelle, INSERM U 905

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


- Case-Control Study on the Relation Between Systemic Sclerosis and Occupational Exposure

Head : Marie Isabelle, INSERM U 905

Main objective

The aim of the study is to investigate the relation between systemic sclerosis and occupational exposure, and to define the risk of systemic sclerosis in male and female patients that is linked to occupational exposure.

Inclusion criteria

Patients with systemic sclerosis (declared) consulting at one of 3 participating centres (Departments of Internal Medicine, Dermatology and Pneumology in Rouen, Elbeuf and Le Havre) between 2005 and 2008.
Controls: Subjects with a chronic illness or an acute illness who do not have: a connective tissue disorder; systemic vasculitis and other systemic autoimmune disorders; neoplasia and chronic interstitial lung disease.

HSA - Cross-sectional Handicap-Health study - Informal caregivers

Head : Soullier Noémie

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


HSA - Cross-sectional Handicap-Health study - Informal caregivers

Head : Soullier Noémie

Main objective

The principal objective of the "Informal caregivers" survey is to characterise non-professional caregivers (family, friends, neighbours, etc.) for individuals who have stated that they have trouble performing certain daily activities due to a handicap, a health problem or their age in the 2008 Handicap-Health survey.

Conducted from April to September 2008, the survey includes 5,000 informal caregivers of handicapped individuals and dependent elderly individuals. This survey allows for the description and analysis of the living conditions and quality of life of individuals providing support to individuals they are close with (family, neighbours, friends, etc.) who stated that they have trouble in activities of daily life in the Handicap-Health survey in ordinary households in 2008 (handicapped or elderly individuals).

It addresses an interest identified in the recent public debate (conference on Family in 2006, decree dated January 2007 allowing the arrangement of the right to respite for family caregivers ), and addresses the initial questions from the Handicap-Health survey.

It allows for knowledge of the motivations and manifestations of informal support, description and analysis of living conditions and quality of life of caregivers and the manner in which non-professional aid connects or does not connect with aid provided by professionals. The survey also allows for the detailed measurement of the consequences of aid on the daily life of the caregivers, on the professional, family and friendship plans.

The general objective of the survey can be broken down into five sub-objectives: to create a portrait of caregivers from the social network, to gain knowledge of the configuration of aid and the conditions under which it is provided, to see how the caregiver's activity is reconciled with that of other caregivers, to understand the consequences of aid and the resulting needs, and lastly to gain knowledge of the representations that the caregivers have regarding their economic consent to the aid provided.

Inclusion criteria

The survey sample is made up of all of the caregivers named in the 2008 Handicap-Health survey, 16 years of age and older.

The "Informal caregivers" survey is a supplemental section of the Handicap-Health survey in ordinary households conducted by Insee in 2008: when a person indicates in the Handicap-Health survey that he or she is aided by one or more non-professional caregivers, a quick description of the caregiver and the nature of the aid that he or she provides is requested from the surveyed individual.

The contact information for the caregiver (or caregivers) is also collected (with a maximum of 3 cohabitating caregivers and 10 caregivers per surveyed individual): they constitute the sampling frame for the "Informal caregivers" survey.

The "Informal caregivers" study is limited to individuals 16 years of age or older. The individuals are questioned directly face to face by an Insee surveyor.

SCOPE - Patients with Schizophrenic or Schizoaffective Disorders

Head : Azorin Jean-Michel, SHU Psychiatrie adultes

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


SCOPE - Patients with Schizophrenic or Schizoaffective Disorders

Head : Azorin Jean-Michel, SHU Psychiatrie adultes

Main objective

To observe the progress of patients being treated for an acute psychotic episode over a 2-year period.

Inclusion criteria

- Men or women
- adult
- diagnosed with schizophrenia or affected by schizoaffective disorder

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